Friday, March 7, 2008

I'm Still Here...

Well, it's been a while since I blogged. Been down with the plague. Again. Not happy. Also, hubby's changed jobs, and this change is a big one. He's going from 9-5 Mon-Fri in an office with a noose--I mean tie, to working 4-hour evening shifts Mon-Thurs, doing dispatching and line maintenance on airplanes. It's a big adjustment for both of us. I work at home, so we're kind of walking around each other trying to settle in to the new job hours. This is a great change for him; he's been so unhappy for so long in the management job.

I've been working on the Serendipity socks. Got one finished. Love the star toe. I've never done this type of toe before.

The lovely Jalessa models the instep.

This is the short row heel. It sure looks cool with this colourway.

I didn't try to obtain perfect striping with this yarn. I don't mind pooling, and it keeps me interested as the sock goes along. For the second sock I'll try to get the solid stripes. I love different socks. The pattern is quite pretty.

I'm also working on my friend's Christmas scarf.

Holy Multi-directional Scarf Batman!!!

It looks pretty good and the recipient likes it so far.

Yesterday I threw all knitterly schedules out the window and knit a coffee cozy. I just needed a break from the same old. Today it'll be back to the scarf. Blogger seems to be having a problem with me uploading pictures, so there's one missing. Will try to upload it later.

1 comment:

Kare said...

Yay, she blogged!

Ya, it'll take some time to get used to the new schedules.

I LOVE the yarns you're using. The heel looks really neat on the sock.
And the scarf looks great, too. The multidirectional scarf is on my list to make.
I especially love the coffee cozy yarn. What is it?

I hope your up to snuff real soon. This plague has just gone on too long.