Friday, February 5, 2010

Finally...Somewhere...Somewhere Awesome!

Today, my "nowhere" turned into a whole lotta really cool "Somewhere." I was offered a position with a firm in Edmonton to do technical writing and instructional design, which I happily accepted. I start Tuesday.

So the blog posts may get few and far between again, at least until I get my sea legs on the job.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! That is awesome! Wishing you the best in your new journey.

Knitting Alchemist said...

Thanks Audrey!

Rick Lauber said...

AWESOME!!!! Don't hesitate to give me a shout if you ever get totally overwhelmed with work and need an assistant ...

I'll even make the coffee ... :-)

Knitting Alchemist said...

You won't have time, what with your BOOK DEAL and all!

Needles said...

I am just tickled pink to read this! Tickled I tell you.

I haven't been by for a while. Some great posts you have. The Stone house? The Stone House? Brian was out there to do a foundation assessment a few years ago. Cool place. Darn man didn't take any photos inside, just what they needed outside.

Knitting Alchemist said...

Thanks Denise.